- UI: NewAccount: Remove nextcloud legacy option
- NextcloudFolders: Fix sparse trees
- NextcloudFolders#updateBookmark: preserve intention when moving bookmarks
- Scanner: Clone with Hash
- Sync: Move canMergeWith detection to Scanner mergeable
- Sync: Fix race conditions
- Sync: Simplify scanner
- Sync: Avoid artificial Cycles in Toposort
- Sync: Avoid duplicate REORDERs
- Sync: Filter out REORDERs that are invlidated from hierarchy reversal remediation
- Sync: Avoid duplicates in concurrent hierarchy reversal detection
- Sync: Extend detection for concurrent hierarchy reversals
- Fix reconcileReorders
- Fix Scanner: Account for reorders at the end
Disclaimer: Not all sync bugs are resolved in this release, but a majority of them should be fixed now.