github floating-ui/floating-ui @floating-ui/react-dom-interactions@0.7.0

New Features

  • feat: inner middleware — the floating element is anchored such that an inner element inside of it sits on top of/is anchored to the reference element. (#1758)

    This works along the y-axis and simulaneously limits the max-height of the floating element.

  • feat: useInnerOffset interaction hook — allows the height of the floating element to expand on wheel event by changing the offset that inner uses to anchor the inner element (#1758)


  • refactor: returning focus to the reference element is now exclusively handled via FloatingFocusManager. useListNavgation and useDismiss no longer return focus, bypassing issues with unmounting animations. (#1765)

Bug Fixes

  • fix(useDismiss): outsidePointerDown now uses real pointerdown instead of mousedown (#1765)

    Before it required an "intentional" dismiss on touch devices, but now, the user can dismiss while attempting to scroll away

  • fix(useHover): prevent SVG reference element from failing to apply pointer-events auto styles (#1794)

  • fix(useClick): pointerDown now uses mousedown instead of pointerdown. This reduces unintentional clicks while touching the screen to scroll, or focus being moved to focusable items inside a floating element unintentionally when tapping the reference element. (#1765)

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