github fleetdm/fleet fleet-v4.25.0

latest releases: fleet-v4.53.1, tf-mod-addon-mdmproxy-v1.0.0, tf-mod-root-v1.10.0...
18 months ago


  • Added new activity that records create/edit/delete user roles.

  • Log all successful logins as activity and all attempts with ip in stderr.

  • Added API endpoint to generate DEP public and private keys. MDM features are not ready for production and are currently in development. These features are disabled by default.

  • Added ability to mark policy as critical with Fleet Premium.

  • Added ability to mark policies run automation for all already failing hosts.

  • Added fleet serve configuration flags for Apple Push Notification service (APNs) and Simple
    Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) certificates and keys.

  • Added fleet serve configuration flags for Apple Business Manager (BM).

  • Added fleetctl trigger command to trigger an ad hoc run of all jobs in a specified cron

  • Added the fleetctl get mdm_apple command to retrieve the Apple MDM configuration information.

  • Added the fleetctl get mdm_apple_bm command to retrieve the Apple Business Manager configuration information.

  • Added fleetctl command to generate APNs CSR and SCEP CA certificate and key pair.

  • Add fleetctl command to generate DEP public and private keys.

  • Windows installer now ensures that the installed osquery version gets removed before installing Orbit.

  • Build on Ubuntu 20 to resolve glibc changes that were causing issues for older Docker runtimes.

  • During deleting host flow, inform users how to prevent re-enrolling hosts.

  • Added functionality to report if a carve failed along with its error message.

  • Added the redis.username configuration option for setups that use Redis ACLs.

  • Windows installer now ensures that no files are left on the filesystem when orbit uninstallation
    process is kicked off.

  • Improve how we are logging failed detail queries and windows os version queries.

  • Spiffier UI: Add scroll shadows to indicate horizontal scrolling to user.

  • Add counts_update_at attribute to GET /hosts/summary/mdm response. update GET /labels/:id/hosts to
    filter by mdm_id and mdm_enrollment_status query params. add mobile_device_management_solution to
    response from GET /labels/:id/hosts when including mdm_id query param. add mdm information to UI for
    windows/all dashboard and host details.

  • Fixed fleetctl query to use custom HTTP headers if configured.

  • Fixed how we are querying and ingesting disk encryption in linux to workaround an osquery bug.

  • Fixed buggy input field alignments.

  • Fixed to multiselect styling.

  • Fixed bug where manually triggering a cron run that preempts a regularly scheduled run causes
    an unexpected shift in the start time of the next interval.

  • Fixed an issue where the height of the label for some input fields changed when an error message is displayed.

  • Fixed the alignment of the "copy" and "show" button icons in the manage enroll secrets and get API
    token modals.


Please visit our update guide for upgrade instructions.


Documentation for Fleet is available at

Binary Checksum


2213c2796031eaaf1a9b7ac2d14f71ea4b9d3992a92b955431babaf51a89a548  fleet_v4.25.0_linux.tar.gz
2e9eefa6b075104a943f23db872ae8330c93b2345a86f851e5179a9c48b441be  fleetctl_v4.25.0_windows.tar.gz
4b791efd56965b22031a0294df765e304905775f76e3850873d0230a6027c91f  fleetctl_v4.25.0_linux.tar.gz
7ca684e26eb4c82b96e7ddc70221fb78577eedfef819d0d10a372a469a6c63d2  fleetctl_v4.25.0_macos.tar.gz

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