github flatcar/scripts stable-3602.2.2

latest releases: stable-3815.2.3-nightly-20240617-2100, beta-3941.1.0-nightly-20240617-2100, main-4004.0.0-nightly-20240617-2100...
6 months ago

⚠️ From Alpha 3794.0.0 Torcx has been removed - please assert that you don't rely on specific Torcx mechanism but now use systemd-sysext. See here for more information.

Changes since Stable 3602.2.1

Security fixes:


  • Brightbox: The regular OpenStack image should now be used, it includes Afterburn for instance metadata attributes
  • OpenStack: An uncompressed image is provided for simpler import (since the images use qcow2 inline compression, there is no benefit in using the .gz or .bz2 images)
  • linux kernel: added zstd support for squashfs kernel module (scripts#1297)


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