GoFish 0.12.2 is a hotfix release for v0.12.1. There were some issues with fetching and un-archiving certain packages causing gofish install
to fail.
You can see the full CHANGELOG on what's changed between v0.12.1 and v0.12.2 here.
To install v0.12.2, you have two options:
1. From the Install Scripts
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fishworks/gofish/main/scripts/install.sh | bash
Windows (PowerShell, as Administrator):
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fishworks/gofish/main/scripts/install.ps1'))
2. Upgrade GoFish with GoFish!
All users of GoFish can upgrade GoFish using GoFish! How neat is that?
First, you have to install GoFish, with GoFish:
gofish update
gofish install gofish
Then, any time you want to upgrade GoFish, call gofish upgrade
gofish upgrade gofish