github fish-shell/fish-shell OpenBeta_r2
fishfish Beta r2

latest releases: 3.7.1, 3.7.0, 3.6.4...
10 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • Implicit cd is back, for paths that start with one or two dots, a slash, or a tilde.
  • Overrides of default functions should be fixed. The "internalized scripts" feature is disabled for now.
  • Disabled delayed suspend. This is a strange job-control feature of BSD systems, including OS X. Disabling it frees up Control Y for other purposes; in particular, for yank, which now works on OS X.
  • fish_indent is fixed. In particular, the funced and funcsave functions work again.
  • A SIGTERM now ends the whole execution stack again (resolving #13).
  • Bumped the __fish_config_interactive version number so the default fish_color_autosuggestion kicks in.
  • fish_config better handles combined term256 and classic colors like "555 yellow".

New Features

  • A history builtin, and associated interactive function that enables deleting history items. Example usage:

    • Print all history items beginning with echo: history --prefix echo
    • Print all history items containing foo: history --contains foo
    • Interactively delete some items containing foo: history --delete --contains foo

    Credit to @siteshwar for implementation. Thanks @siteshwar!

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