github filips123/PWAsForFirefox v1.1.0
FirefoxPWA 1.1.0

latest releases: v2.14.1, v2.14.0, v2.13.3...
3 years ago


  • Original Homebrew formula had a bug that prevented PWAs from launching on macOS after updating the formula. I reuploaded the formula with a fix. To install the fixed version, run:

    brew update # To update all taps
    brew reinstall firefoxpwa # To reinstall FirefoxPWA with a fix

    Then, edit/update all existing PWAs through extension or command-line program to apply the fix to PWAs. Alternatively, you can remove and reinstall your PWAs.


  • Support for reinstalling runtime from extension (#47):
    You can now reinstall/update the Firefox runtime from the settings page of the extension.

  • Theme color-based transparent tabs (#48):
    Tabs are now slightly transparent/use a shade of theme color, so they should not look so bad with some PWAs.

  • Customize option to disable the title bar (#49):
    You can now completely disable the title bar, including all icons. Instructions are in the repository wiki. This can be an unstable feature and is only meant for tiling window manager users!


  • Display all contributors and sponsors in READMEs and download page.


  • Fix auto publishing scripts.
  • Fix AUR binary install directory.

You can download the extension from the Firefox Addon Store.

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