github filesender/filesender filesender-2.45
Release 2.45

Release Version 2.45

Release date: 16 February 2024.


Source snapshots are attached to this announcement and the git tag filesender-2.45 contains the base that these snapshots were created from.


Documentation is available at

Major changes since 2.44

The database update script DOES NOT need to be run.
The templates directory HAS changed.

Short summary:

The python client now supports encryption allowing upload and download of encrypted files from the command line. Newer versions of SimpleSAMLphp are now supported.


Encryption support in python client #1780
This currently has specific cryptography settings requirements (such as $config['encryption_key_version_new_files'] = 3).

S3: Add bulk delete option #1775

Support for newer 2.1 versions of SimpleSAMLphp #1783

rest: guests with no transfer options should have at least one default #1786

guests: Warn the user if they do not provide an email address #1790

Fix download recipient for only-send-to-me guests #1793

update some of the vendor deps to more modern ones #1788

Fix french typo #1779
Some new terms are also on poeditor now #1791
i18n: auto import from poedtor on 2024-02-12-1707698035 #1794

option for more info when delete fails #1787

docs: saml attributes #1795

Configuration changes

New S3 configuration directives cloud_s3_bulk_delete and cloud_s3_bulk_size.

Support and Feedback

Please lodge new github issues for things that might improve the next release!
See Support and Mailinglists or create a Feature requests using Github issues.

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