github filesender/filesender filesender-2.0-rc1
Release 2.0 release candidate 1

pre-release5 years ago

Release Version 2.0 release candidate 1

Release date: 21 May 2018.


Source snapshots are attached to this announcement and the git tag filesender-2.0-rc1 contains the base that these snapshots were created from.


Documentation is available at

Upgrade Notes

Version 2.0 breaks compatibility with version 1.x. We recommend a fresh installation to version 2.x of FileSender.

Major changes since 2.0 beta 4

An upload stall bug that effected larger terasender uploads has been addressed. A situation that could cause a bad chunk of data if a stalled upload was resumed for non terasender uploads has been addressed.

Dirtree support was merged (thanks to Geoff Brimhall). This is a new feature which can be enabled by setting disable_directory_upload to false. Note that only some browsers support dirtrees.

Language files are now generated from the information on Prior to the import the lang.php for each language was unchanged but sorted to assist in seeing the differences during subsequent i18n imports. New scripts were created to export new terms from the code to for translation. Labels on the graphs can now be internationalized.

Logs can now be saved in JSON format (thanks to Michael DSilva)

Various updates to the docs and CI.

Configuration changes

Raw list of interesting config directives changed or added in this release


Setting disable_directory_upload to false will enable dirtree upload in browsers that support dirtree. terasender_worker_max_chunk_retries sets how many times a TeraSender worker attempts to upload each chunk before signalling failure. The testing_terasender_worker_uploadRequestChange_function_name option is mainly for internal testing and allows a chunk failure to be forced by selecting the name of a fixed prefix javascript function to call to mutilate the response from an XMLHttpRequest.

Support and Feedback

See Support and Mailinglists and Feature requests.

A new label "release2.0rc1" has been created to specifically track issues relating to this release. Please attach that label when reporting issues that relate to this beta. Current known issues can be seen at

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