github filesender/filesender 1.6.1
Release 1-6-1

Release Version 1.6.1

Release date:  30 December 2015

Distribution file MD5 SHA1
filesender-1.6.1.tar.gz 03b30c8812d9240365039171dcde0e0d 75e95efdf639f82a27b277c1d29f85f140867c3b bbad7057f45f6352c65598da653d1a37 87001c778ccaa561cf2a5243f06211303521f6b7

Release 1.6.1 is also available in the Debian and RPM package repositories and the Subversion repository. Currently Release 1.6.1 is distributed from the testing repositories.


Documentation for this release is available at Documentation v1-6


Upgrade Notes

See Upgrade notes for important upgrade and installation notes.  


Major changes since 1.5

     - New: high-speed upload module 'TeraSender' (#891)
     - New: auto-complete in the To: field (#821)
     - New: refactored MyFiles, file downloaded dates provide audit
       trail when download Cc:s switched off
     - New: support for configurable footer via language file (#871)
     - New: support for optional Subject and Message in guest use voucher
       (#637, #774)
     - New: support for multiple From: addresses from authentication
       source (#184)
     - New: configurable option 'download_confirmation_to_downloader' for
       sending download email receipt to file recipients (default 'true')
     - New: download pause/resume now possible with browsers supporting
       partial download (most notably Firefox, IE11, curl and wget) (#1076)
     - New: support for SQLite (#898)
     - New language: Finnish (#981)
     - Change: logout.php is now called in the same way as all other pages,
       practical for header/footer. Change your site_logouturl!(#904)
     - Change: Upgrade JQuery and JQueryUI to 1.10.2, Upgrade Smoothness
       to 1.10.2. (#819)

Changes since 1.6

      - Fix: upload problem with Safari 9.0.x (#1217)
     - Change: new HEAnet and UNINETT logo (#1218)
     - Security: escape PHP_SELF variable in admin page (#1240)

Changes since 1.6-rc1

     - Languages: Add Finnish translation contributed by Tomi Salmi
       of CSC/Funet (#981)
     - Debian packaging: Only define Apache <Directory> permissions
       for the <filesenderbase>/www subtree (#1089)
     - Supporting scripts: add shell script to check for missing or
       unknown language tags (#1101)

Changes since 1.6-beta1

     - Download pause/resume now possible with browsers supporting
       partial download (most notably Firefox, IE11, curl and wget)
     - 'terasender' default disabled in config-dist.php (#1077)
     - Added IE10+ and Safari 6+ to supported browsers in HELP text
       for en, no and nl languages (#1063)

Fixes since 1.6-beta1

     - Security: also escape single quotes for externally supplied
       output (#1079)
     - Security: encode MMredirectURL in Flash detection code (#1078)
     - Security: strict type comparison in XSFR check (#1080)
     - 'friendly name' extraction fixed (#1068)
     - Various fixes and improvements in the partial download code (#1076)
       - chunked reading and buffering to prevent server side memory
         exhaustion with large range requests
       - more robust range request detection to make actual pause/resume

Major changes since 1.5

     - Add TeraSender code (#885, #899, #1064)
       - Allows for faster HTML5 uploads
       - Upgrade note: new configuration options
       - Default not enabled, enable in config.php
     - New layout of My Files page (#597)
       - add number of downloads
       - expandable per file details view
       - removed 'me' substition
     - Add optional personal message and subject to guest vouchers (#637,#963)
       - Upgrade note: change in configuration mail template
     - Recipient address autocomplete based on previous recipients (#821)
       - Upgrade note: new configuration options
     - Add selector when multiple mail adresses are available (#184)
       Modified patch from Thijs Kinkhorst

Changes since 1.5

     - Upgrade of JQuery and JQueryUI to 1.10.2 (#819)
     - Default Voucher Subject configurable (#774)
       Patch contributed by Thijs Kinkhorst
     - Add a customisable footer through the language definitions (#871)
       Modified patch from Jean-Philippe Evrard, BELNET
     - logout.php and invalidvoucher.php removed and integrated in
       the core index.php (#904)
       - Upgrade note: needs change in config.php when upgrading,
         logout page breaks if config.php isn't adapted
     - New download.php (#858)
       - redo logic for mail sending and logging
       - added partial download (HTTP range) functionality (not used yet)
       - some cleanup
     - Add option to suppress carbon copy of download confirmation mail
       to downloader (#985)
     - Add sqlite init-script and 'how to' (#898)
       Patch contributed by Dick Visser
     - Minor layout changes (#965,#966)

Fixes since 1.5

     - Optimise PDO Query row count statements (#888)
       Patch from Dick Visser
     - Remove unused validVoucher() function
       Patch from Thijs Kinkhorst
     - Hash fileuid for pending/validateupload entry (#884)
       Bug noticed by Dick Visser
     - Replace $_REQUEST['PHPSESSID'] with session_id() (#897)
     - Fix declarations for fileexpirydate and logdate in mysql init script (#932)
     - Fixed use of single quote in filename with Flash uploads (#895)

Known issues

 Important known issues can be found at Known issues.  See also for a current list of issues.

Support and Feedback

See Support and Mailinglists and Feature requests.

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