github filamentphp/filament v2.4.28

latest releases: v3.2.92, v3.2.91, v3.2.90...
2 years ago

This release is for the Form Builder and Table Builder only.

v2 of the Admin Panel will be released in Winter 2021. Please see #495 for details.

Packages in the same version series are compatible. For instance: filament/filament v1 is incompatible with filament/forms v2 in the same Laravel app. For more information, please see #495.

Form Builder


  • Separated view components for easier extension.

Table Builder


  • Separated view components for easier extension.


Due to the view component upgrades in this version, please make sure to php artisan view:clear when you upgrade to this version.

This is mentioned in the upgrade guides of both the form builder and table builder. We recommend you add these commands to your deployment scripts too.

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