github fgsfdsfgs/nxquake2 NXQUAKE2_010
Switch port v0.1.0

latest releases: NXQUAKE2_051, NXQUAKE2_050, NXQUAKE2_020...
pre-release5 years ago


  • initial release.

How to play

  1. Unzip into the root of your SD card.
  2. Copy the baseq2 folder from your Quake 2 installation to /switch/nxquake2/.
    2.1. (optional) Copy the OGG music tracks to /switch/nxquake2/baseq2/music/.
  3. Run NXQuake2 using Homebrew Launcher.

If it crashes, check crash.log in /switch/nxquake2/ to find out the reason.

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