Changes Round up
This is a round up release of core changes since the 2014 1.0.0 release to allow better changes tracking. You can subscribe to the Release RSS feed to keep up to-date.
A big thanks to all the contributions from our community of users.
- Major Readme Re-Design with a snazzy Icon
- Optional Readability.php install using composer
- Tidy source html
- Tidy processed html
- Trigger rule according to rss author tag
- Add HTML5 details tag to logger
- Test view error check
- Enable recusive fetching of multipage
- Fixed POD exception caused by incorrect logging event trigger
- Add quote escapes to charset detection
- Skip missing xpath's and proceed with next available xpath
- Fix extraction of attribute xpath elements
- Prevent warning Use of undefined constant LOG_NONE
- Replaces JSON format function
- Fix bugs related to importing predefined rules
- Fix 'array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given'
- json_last_error_msg support for older php versions
- Fixes extremely specific xpath case