Implemented enhancements:
- Redis sink flushes only rows that have more recent eventTimestamp #913 (pyalex)
- Dataflow runner options: disk type & streaming engine #906 (pyalex)
- Add Structured Audit Logging #891 (mrzzy)
- Add Authentication and Authorization for feast serving #865 (jmelinav)
- Throw more informative exception when write_triggering_frequency_seconds is missing #917 (pyalex)
- Add caching to authorization #884 (jmelinav)
- Add Auth header #885 (AnujaVane)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix Online Serving unable to retrieve feature data after Feature Set update. #908 (mrzzy)
- Fix Python SDK ingestion for featureset name that exist in multiple projects #868 (terryyylim)
- Backport delay in Redis acknowledgement of spec #915 (woop)
- Allow unauthenticated access when Authorization is disabled and to Health Probe #927 (mrzzy)
Merged pull requests: