github fcrepo/fcrepo fedora-6-demo-1
Fedora 6 Demo #1: Read and Write RDF

latest releases: fcrepo-6.5.1, fcrepo-6.5.1-RC3, fcrepo-6.5.1-RC2...
pre-release5 years ago

This release represents a key milestone in the Fedora 6 development. For the first time we are able to read and write RDF resources to the repository root.

NB: This demo depends on Java 11. Also on OSX, double-clicking on the jar does not work. You must use the commands specified below in your terminal. Also be aware that nesting of containers and the display of containment relationships is not yet working, but will be coming soon.

java -jar fcrepo-webapp-6.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jetty-console.jar --headless

*Use  to specify your OCFL storage root.*

# get repository root
curl -u fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin http://localhost:8080/rest -i

# PUT a new RDF source
curl -u fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin http://localhost:8080/rest/test -v  -H "Content-Type: text/turtle"  -X PUT --data "<> <> 'My Test RDF'"

# Retrieve the RDF source
curl -u fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin http://localhost:8080/rest/test -i

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