What's Changed
- Updated igc to 1.2.8 by @fbelavenuto in #332
- Added i915 addons by @fbelavenuto in #333
- Changed IP timeout to 30 secs by @fbelavenuto in #342
- Adding r1000 platform by @fbelavenuto in #348
- Adding r1000 platform into docker image by @fbelavenuto in #349
- Fixing directboot DoM EFI variables by @fbelavenuto in #354
- New docker image syno-toolkit by @fbelavenuto in #355
- Adding DS923+ by @fbelavenuto in #356
- Latest addons/modules/lkms by @fbelavenuto in #357
- Update binaries by @fbelavenuto in #358
Full Changelog: v1.0-beta3...v1.0-beta4