github fastlane/fastlane 2.220.0
2.220.0 Improvements

latest releases: fastlane/2.222.0, 2.222.0, fastlane/2.221.1...
3 months ago
  • [action][sh] fix undefined sh_enabled? method when using from a plugin Action (#21408) via Vitalii Budnik (@nekrich)
  • [match] Include visionOS devices in provisioning profiles (#21871) via peter-gyarmati (@peter-gyarmati)
  • [spaceship] Fix filtering of Mac devices when trying to create a macOS profile (#21915) via Olivier Halligon (@AliSoftware)
  • [core] update simctl command in device_manager.rb [21893] (#21894) via David Nedrow (@dnedrow)
  • [fastlane] remove dependency on unmaintained rest-client library (#21898) via Jerome Lacoste (@lacostej)
  • [spaceship] handle new app status (#21890) via Lukasz Grabowski (@lucgrabowski)
  • [spaceship] Update Model: beta_tester (#21799) via mlch911 (@mlch911)
  • [fix] drop old code made for ruby < 2.6 (#21878) via Jerome Lacoste (@lacostej)
  • [fastlane_core] fix the display of non-unicode characters when printing lane context (#21857) via Jerome Lacoste (@lacostej)
  • [spaceship] create_certificate_signing_request: update from SHA-1 to SHA-256 (#21644) via Jay Soffian (@jaysoffian)
  • [match][hotfix] remove the renew_expired_certs option introduced in #21691 and revert the default behavior while we address issues with it (#21812) via Vitalii Budnik (@nekrich)
  • [action][appetize] Raise error when the API returns an unsuccessful response (#21816) via Ben Ferris (@benferris-tl)
  • [action][git_add] Add force option (#21850) via Tomoki Yamashita (@tomorrowkey)
  • [pilot] add xros as valid option for pilot upload (#21841) via Damian Monogue (@demonnic)
  • [match] fix devices fetch for tvOS platform (#21828) via Vitalii Budnik (@nekrich)
  • [deliver] increase chances of success when creating a new app version even when Apple servers are degraded (#21742) via Roger Oba (@rogerluan)
  • [action][OneSignal] Update to use v11.0 REST API (#21839) via Mohammed Akram Hussain (@Akramhussain4)
  • [snapshot] fix regression introduced in 2.218.0 caused by extraneous method argument in snapshot setup (#21832) via Jerome Lacoste (@lacostej)
  • [spec] fix the loading of certain passwords from the keychain (fixes #21817) (#21818) via Ryan Pendleton (@rpendleton)
  • [gym][fastlane_core] add platform support for visionOS (#21574) via Philipp Resch (@PinkidG)
  • [match] improve encryption internals, solving flaky test (#21663) (#21790) via Jerome Lacoste (@lacostej)
  • [frameit] iPhone 14 Frames (#21727) via sathoeni (@sathoeni)
  • [spaceship] decrease App Store Connect API token issued-at-time to prevent server rejection (#21583) via Jason Moore (@xinsight)
  • [match][sigh] add option to automatically renew expired certificates (defaults to enabled) (#21691) via Vitalii Budnik (@nekrich)
  • [pilot] do not advertise the skip_waiting_for_build_processing option when it is already set (#21730) via Robin Kunde (@robinkunde)
  • [match] propagate keychain when installing wwdr certificates (#21578) via rabbitinspace (@rabbitinspace)
  • [deliver] introduce timeout for screenshots processing waiting time (#21693) via Mikhail Maslo (@mikhailmaslo)
  • [frameit] doesn't work anymore (#20915) via Guglielmo Faglioni (@guidev)
  • [core] add an interactive console for users as well (#21803) via Jerome Lacoste (@lacostej)
  • [trainer] fix issues where number of failures would always be zero (#21432) via Mahmood Tahir (@tahirmt)

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