github facebook/react-native v0.74.3

latest release: v0.75.0-rc.3
3 days ago


  • Add the ReactMarkerConstants.CONTENT_APPEARED support on Android in bridgeless mode. (3c4d7618f0 by @Kudo)


iOS specific

  • Support customizeRootView from RCTRootViewFactory (3c4d761 by @Kudo)


  • Codegen computes output path relative to project root instead of current working directory. (d3e0430dea by @dmytrorykun)

Android specific

iOS specific

  • Fixed Multiline TextInput with a fixed height scrolls to the bottom when changing AttributedText (e210c7c5 by @fabOnReact)
  • Fixed border being drawn over children when no color was set (a2b52af3 by @j-piasecki)

Hermes dSYMS:

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