github facebook/react-native v0.65.0-rc.1

latest releases: v0.76.2, latest, v0.73.11...
pre-release3 years ago

⚠️ THIS IS A RELEASE CANDIDATE: this means it's not stable yet, so proceed with care.

Please only upgrade or create new apps with 0.65.0-rc.1 if you'd like to help us test this before the stable release - which would be super useful 🤗

To test it, run:

npx react-native init RN065 --version 0.65.0-rc.1

We're working on the changelog and you can read the draft here.

Known Issues

  • Android: Highly likely to crash on startup; investigation is on-going.

You can participate in the conversation on the RC status this issue for updates, where you can post your bug reports and cherry-pick suggestions.

You can find the whole changelog history over at react-native-releases.

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