github facebook/jscodeshift v0.6.1

latest releases: 0.13.1, 0.13.0, 0.12.0...
5 years ago


  • Tranform files can be written in Typescript. If the file extension of the
    transform file is .ts or .tsx, @babel/preset-typescript is used to
    convert them. This requires the --babel option to be set (which it is by
    default). ( #287 , @brieb )


  • The preset and plugins for converting the transform file itself via babeljs
    have been updated to work with babel v7. This included removing
    babel-preset-es2015 and babel-preset-stage-1 in favor of
    @babel/preset-env. Only @babel/proposal-class-properties and
    @babel/proposal-object-rest-spread are enabled as experimental features. If
    you want to use other's in your transform file, please create a PR.


  • Typescript parses use @babel/parser instead of Babylon ( #291, @elliottsj )


  • micromatch => v3.1.10, which doesn't (indirectly) depend on randomatic <
    v3 anymore (see #292).

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