github facebook/flow v0.265.0

latest releases: v0.265.2, v0.265.1
one day ago

Likely to cause new Flow errors:

  • Overriding already defined names and modules in library definitions will now error with code [libdef-override]. The error cannot be suppressed without specific error code like $FlowFixMe[libdef-override]. It can be turned off by turning off the libdef-override lint.

New Features:

  • The Number static methods Number.isFinite, Number.isInteger, Number.isNaN, and Number.isSafeInteger now apply a refinement that their input is a number. Note that the top level isNaN and isFinite functions (not off of Number) do not apply the same refinement as they first coerce their input to number.

Notable bug fixes:

  • Fix a potential crash in libdef files with illegal import export. Thanks @techieshark for the repro.

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