github facebook/flow v0.147.0

latest releases: v0.238.2, v0.238.1, v0.238.0...
3 years ago

Likely to cause new Flow errors:

  • This release includes some significant architectural changes that fix bugs, improves performance, and may cause Flow to find more errors.
  • Fixed a bug where "maybe types" like ?{c: number} did not properly error when used with utility types $PropertyType and $ElementType. null and undefined do not have properties nor elements.
  • Object.prototype properties like toString and hasOwnProperty are no longer allowed to be accessed as global variables, which was previously allowed because window is an object.

New Features:

  • Added Linux ARM64 support. A precompiled binary is provided, including through flow-bin.

Notable bug fixes:

  • Improved the error message when getting properties on null and undefined
  • Fixed running flow lsp on symlinked root directories


  • Removed support for @flow weak, which was a rarely-used mode in which missing annotations were treated as any. It is equivalent to suppressing any type errors that result from just using @flow. So to migrate, suppress the new errors and remove weak.
  • Fixed a bug in which the built-in library definitions could be missing
  • Fixed an obscure crash when using Watchman and Mercurial
  • Added support for a flow.suggest.autoImports LSP setting to disable autoimport suggestions in autocomplete (currently requires autoimports=true to be enabled in .flowconfig)

Library definitions:

  • Added support for node's assert strict mode (thanks @goodmind)
  • Added support for .webp resources (thanks @TomasBarry)
  • Added missing Brotli APIs to the zlib module (thanks @isker)
  • Added missing methods to tty.WriteStream (thanks @reyronald)
  • Changed process.exit to return empty


  • Fixed a regression in 0.146 where flow_parser.js defined some global variables

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