github facebook/flow v0.144.0

latest releases: v0.238.3, v0.238.2, v0.238.1...
3 years ago
  • Improved generic type checking launched in v0.140. The deprecated implementation and the temporary generate_tests=true flowconfig option have now been removed.
  • Fixed an issue with logical operators (&&, ||, ??) and union types
  • Object rest properties (let {foo,} = obj) now retain the indexer of the object being destructured. In this example, if obj is {[string]: string}, then rest is also {[string]: string}.
  • Made the parser recover gracefully in some cases when in the middle of typing, allowing language services to work better in the rest of the file
  • Improved experimental cross-module autocomplete to include globals and built-in modules. Can be enabled with the autoimports=true flowconfig option.
  • Fixed a bug so that the server no longer exits when merely touch-ing the .flowconfig without changing it

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