github fabricjs/fabric.js v6.0.0-beta1
Version 6.0.0-beta1

latest releases: v6.0.0-rc4, v6.0.0-rc3, v6.0.0-rc2...
pre-release16 months ago

Version 6.0.0-beta1

ci(): Removed the browser publish script #8656
feat(): Node entry point #8632
chore(): Change import and export strategy #8622
chore(): rename files to modern style #8621
chore(): move and rename text & itext files and organize as folders, rename mixins #8620
chore(TS): type IText, IText behavior, IText click behavior #8610
BREAKING: refactor clone(obj, true) with cloneDeep(obj) and remove all extend, clone calls in favor of object spreads. #8600
chore(TS): Fix some error caused by ts-nocheck removals #8615
refactor(IText): extract draggable text logic to a delegate #8598
chore(TS): Update StaticCanvas to remove ts-nocheck #8606
chore(TS): Update filters to remove ts-nocheck and added types where missing #8609
chore(TS): Intersection class, finalize TS #8603
chore(TS): Update Pattern to remove ts-nocheck and added types where missing #8605
chore(TS): Followup for interactivy and controls migration to TS #8404
refactor(IText): Fixes Draggable Text for retina and viewport transform #8534
chore(TS): refactor canvas init, fix _initRetinaScaling regression #8520
chore(TS): remove all remaining empty declarations #8593
refactor(IText): modernize IText cursor animation based on animation API changes (and fix minor regression) plus leftovers from #8547 #8583
refactor(Canvas, IText): Handle cross instance text editing states to an EditingManager class #8543
chore(TS): move to export, babel, new rollup, change import statement for fabric. #8585;
chore(TS): Add declare in front of properties that are type definitions. #8574
refactor(Animation): BREAKING: Animation api reduction and semplification (byValue is removed, '+=' syntax is removed, callbacks fired 100%) #8547
feat(PolyControl): modify the shape of a poly with control points #8556
BREAKING: remove Object.stateful and Object.statefulCache #8573
fix(IText): refactor clearing context top logic of itext to align with brush pattern, using the canvas rendering cycle in order to guard from edge cases #8560
fix(Canvas): _initRetinaScaling initializaing the scaling regardless of settings in Canvas. #8565
fix(Canvas): regression of canvas migration with pointer and sendPointToPlane #8563
chore(TS): Use exports from files to build fabricJS, get rid of HEADER.js #8549
chore(): rm fabric.filterBackend => getFilterBackend #8487
chore(TS): migrate text SVG export mixin #8486
refactor(TS): animate and AnimationRegistry to classes #8297 BREAKING:
return animation instance from animate instead of a cancel function and remove findAnimationByXXX from AnimationRegistry
change animateColor signature to match animate, removed colorEasing
fix(Object Stacking): 🔙 refactor logic to support Group 🔝
chore(TS): migrate Group/ActiveSelection #8455
chore(TS): Migrate smaller mixins to classes (dataurl and serialization ) #8542
chore(TS): Convert Canvas events mixin and grouping mixin #8519
chore(TS): Remove backward compatibility initialize methods #8525
chore(TS): replace getKlass utility with a registry that doesn't require full fabricJS to work #8500
chore(): use context in static constructors #8522
chore(TS): Convert Canvas class #8510
chore(TS): Move object classes #8511
chore(TS): polish text #8489
chore(TS): fix import cycle, extract groupSVGElements #8506
chore(TS): permissive Point typings #8434
chore(TS): polish files #8488
fix(TS): EventSpec recognition #8497
chore(): rm dead code #8493
fix(scaleObject): handle when scale is 0 to not bug flip #8490
chore(TS): migrate StatiCanvas to TS #8485
chore(): refactor Object.__uid++ => uid() #8482
chore(TS): migrate object mixins to TS #8414
chore(TS): migrate filters #8474
chore(TS): BaseBrush abstract methods #8428
feat(): Add createObjectDefaultControls and createTextboxDefaultControls to create copies of control sets. #8415
fix(PatternBrush): getPatternSrc, rm getPatternSrcFunction #8468
chore(TS): more FabricObject typing #8405
chore(TS): Observable types #8431
chore(TS): migrate Group/ActiveSelection #8455
fix(TS): migration error of itext key mixin (#8421) #8457
chore(TS): migrate text classes/mixins #8421
chore(TS): migrate Image #8443
chore(TS): migrate Shadow #8462
fix(Itext): show incorrect pointer position after scale changed
chore(TS): migrate text classes/mixins #8408
chore(TS): migrate Collection #8433
ci(): Simplify filestats even more #8449
chore(TS): migrate filter backends #8403
chore(TS): migrate Text classes/mixins #8408
chore(TS): migrate Path #8412
ci(): remove unwanted build stats (from #8395) #8416
chore(TS): migrate Line #8413
chore(TS): migrate Polyline/Polygon #8417
chore(TS): migrate Rect #8411
chore(TS): migrate Ellipse #8408
chore(TS): migrate Triangle to TS #8410
chore(TS): migrate Circle to TS #8406
chore(TS): convert Object interactivity mixin to its own class #8401
chore(TS): Convert controls e6/ts #8400
ci(): remove buggy changelog action in favor of git diff bash script + direct git how to merge #8346
fix(): skewing controls accuracy + successive interactions #8380
chore(TS): Convert Geometry and Origin to classes/e6/ts #8390
ci(): build stats report #8395
chore(TS): convert object to es6 class #8322
docs(): guides follow up, feature request template #8379
docs(): refactor guides, bug report template #8189
BREAKING fix(polyline/polygon): stroke bounding box for all line join/cap cases #8344 BREAKING: _setPositionDimensions was removed in favor of setDimensions
test(): Added 2 tests for polygon shapes and transforms with translations #8370
fix(textStyles): Handle style objects with only a textBackgroundColor property in stylesToArray #8365
chore(): fix typos in intersection file #8345
fix(textStyles): Handle empty style object in stylesToArray #8357
ci(build): safeguard concurrent unlocking #8309
ci(): update stale bot #8307
ci(test): await golden generation in visual tests #8284
ci(): Add a pipeline check for verifying that has been updated #8302
BREAKING feat(fabric.IText) rename data-fabric-hiddentextarea to data-fabric with value textarea
ci(): adds a lock file to the repo when build is in progress, makes local testing wait for the build to complete #8290
fix(WebGLProbe): regression caused by #8199, #8301
fix(fabric.utils) added missing import in dom_misc #8293
fix(Object): extraParam should not be passed to options #8295
test(): add globalCompositeOperation tests #8271
fix(): use sendObjectToPlane in mergeClipPaths #8247
chore(): prettify all source code #8276
chore(lint): disallow Math.hypot, window, document #8277
ci(): Add node18 and add a check for prettier #8275
ci(test): suite fixes for browser #8176
ci(): install prettier #8242
ci(): migrate scripts to es6 modules #8266
BREAKING refactor(util): remove lang_array since there are no more use cases #8274
chore(TS): migrate Pattern #8255
ci(): add source-map-support for testing #8248
ci(): file cleanup #8254
ci(): fix test global error handlers #8267
fix(fabric.Canvas): dispose and request animation frame scheduling fix #8220
ci(test): fix golden creation from browser #8270
BREAKING refactor(util): boundingBoxFromPoints, removed transform #8269
ci(): reintroduce node 14 testing #8232
chore(TS): finish converting utils #8230
test(): Add extensive coverage for mergeClipPath #8245
ci() Nicer names for GHA #8235
Update tests.yml
ci(): consolidate test workflows #8227
chore(TS): BREAKING: populateWithProperties => pick #8202
chore(TS): extract initFilterBackend from HEADER #8199
chore(TS): extract caches from HEADER #8198
Chore(TS): migrate Intersection #8121
chore(TS): es6 for util/path.ts and more utils converted #8201
fix(ci): report build script failure + fix missing logs #8188
fix(): update window => fabric.window #8209
chore(TS): extract const reNonWord from HEADER #8197
chore(TS): extract config values in its own module #8194
ci(): update code coverage action comment #8205
fix(fabric.Gradient): Guard against deep mutation on svg export for color exports #8196
chore(TS): migrate gradient #8154
Chore(TS): Convert more utilities #8193
docs(CONTRIBUTING): fix typo #8191
chore(TS): move control files under controls folder #8185
chore(TS): ElementsParser => parser/ElementsParser #8183
dep(): fabric.console #8184
chore(TS) convert more utils #8180
chore(TS): migrate brushes #8182
fix(): propagate failed exit code to the process #8187
fix(): regain focus on mouse move #8179
chore(TS): read fabric version from package.json
ci(test): migrate test cmd #8138
chore(TS): Move more utils to TS #8164
chore(TS): more conversion of utils #8148
chore(): Update package.json contributors #8157
docs(contributing): rework #8158
fix(): add pointer data to drop event #8156
chore(TS): prepare for gradient migration #8155
docs(Collection): JSDOC fix item return type #8152
chore(ts): Convert some utils #8123
chore(TS): Migrate Circle to es6/ts
chore(TS): migrate parser #8122
fix(TS): color merge conflict #8133
chore(TS): migrate Point to es6 class and update references. Deprecate xxxEquals methods #8120
Chore(TS) Rect to Es6, remove global scope function. #8118
chore(TS): Color #8115
chore(TS): prepare for Color migration #8116
ci(): adapt build script to rollup #8114
fix(): Delegate toJson to toObject properly and fix tests #8111
chore(TS): convert file ext #8108
ci(scripts) patch #8102
ci(): switch the old custom build for rollup #8013
feat(IText): Draggable text #7802
feat(Text): condensed styles structure v6 #8006
feat(): on discardActiveObject interrupt current transform. Also add a method to interrupt current transform programmatically #7954
fix(fabric.StaticCanvas): imageSmoothing setter for node-cavas special case #8032
feat(): support aborting loading resources that requires network calls (promises/requests) #7827
fix(fabric.IText) wrong typeof syntax #8023
ci(typescript): transformer #8020
fix(canvas): clear transform event caching on resize #8021
fix(fabric.Canvas): mouseout bug #8011
refactor(object_interactivity): draw operation for borders can be overriden #7932
feat(Group,canvas): remove canvas from object before firing removed event, filter insertAt for group
tests(): fix the visual test loop to work again on #8007
fix(Group): 🛠️ layout, angle and origin ⚡ #8004
chore(): move away from extend/clone #8001
fix(Canvas): flipped viewport transform coords #7515
fix(): cleanup merge conflict resolution artifact #7956
fix(Group): part 2 minors changes #7916
feat(fabric.Image.filter): Alpha support for Invert filter #7933
fix(EraserBrush): visual trace while erasing #7991
fix(Point): safeguard initialization #7961
fix(Textbox): flipped changeWidth control behavior #7980
test(): remove deleted event from test name #7992
feat(observable): BREAKING return disposer instead of context for chaining #7994
fix(util): setStyle exception #7869
test(freedrawing): test enhancement #7941
Cleanup #7947
ci() update uglifyjs #7939
fix(): assigning canvas for collections #7934
fix(EraserBrush): use rendered objects for pattern #7938
fix(v6): 4th PR of Group Rewrite 🎛️ nested controls 😜 #7861
feat(path): getRegularPolygonPath #7918
fix(canvas export): regression caused by safegurading #7907
ci(): fix build script option exclude #7915
feat(Group): 2nd Patch of New Group! 🎉 #7859
chore(ci): rename option #7875
fix(Canvas): dispose race condition #7885
Update funding.yml include Shachar and Steve
feat(Group): Change group code, adapt the rest around it #7858
chore(): PR template #7857
fix(Canvas): safeguard canvas add #7866
fix(fabric.Text): support text alignments in RTL text #7674
chore(canvas): minor cleanup #7851
docs(): fix typo, fix JSDOC for website, minors #7853
fix(Canvas): safeguard dispose #7775
fix(Polyline): safegurad _setPositionDimensions #7850
feat(ci): CLI logging and filter option #7844
fix(itext): stop cursor on blur #7784
fix(itext): set during text editing #7837
fix(Canvas): Safeguard from multiple initialization #7776
feat(): fire contextmenu event #7714
docs(Text): add proper type for GraphemeBBox #7834
chore(): create an alias for getSelectionContext as getTopContext #7711
fix(EraserBrush): inverted erasing #7689
fix(ci): CLI debug and recreate options #7833
feat(ci): better cli #7825
feat(fabric.util.animation): add delay option #7805
chore(): Update bug report templates #7790
fix(Textbox): expose methods for overrides + fix resize filckering #7806
fix(fabric.Canvas): canvas export, force retina scaling >= 1
fix(itext_key_behavior.mixin.js): typo #7816
feat(): dataURL export - filter objects #7788
feat(util): transform utils #7614
chore/fix(v6): prerequisites for Group #7728
tests() adding an extra controls test where the group are transformed #7736
chore(): Group prerequisite minor refactor object_origin
fix(): ensure scaling factor is positive for strokeUniform #7729
MAJOR chore(v6): neutral prerequisites for fabric.Group rework #7726
fix(): add eraser to Object state/cache props #7720
feat(Object.isType): accept multiple type #7715
MAJOR feat(fabric.Point): divide, scalarDivide, scalarDivideEquals #7716
MAJOR feat(): Reuse fabric.Point logic for scaling and naming consistency #7710
feat(Canvas#getCenter): migrate to getCenterPoint #7699
MAJOR feat(fabric) remove callbacks in for Promise support #7657
chore(): BREAKING Cleanup fabric.Point for v6 #7709 7e563c7

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