github fabricjs/fabric.js v1.7.12
Version 1.7.12

latest releases: v643, v642, v641...
7 years ago

Fix: removed possible memleaks from window resize event. #3984
Fix: restored default cursor to noTarget only. unselectable objects get the standard hovercursor. #3953
Cache fixes: fix uncached pathGroup, removed cache creation at initialize time #3982
Improvement: nextTarget to mouseOut and prevTarget to mouseOver #3900
Improvement: add isClick boolean to left mouse up #3898
Fix: can start selection on top of non selectable object #3892
Improvement: better management of right/middle click #3888
Fix: subTargetCheck on activeObject/activeGroup was firing too many events #3909
Fix: After addWithUpdate or removeWithUpdate object coords must be updated. #3911

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