github fabric8io/kubernetes-client v5.0.0-beta-1
5.0.0-beta-1 (2020-12-21)

latest releases: v7.1.0, v6.13.5, v7.0.1...
4 years ago


  • Fix #2671: Reliability improvements to watchers
  • Fix #2592: ConcurrentModificationException in CRUD KubernetesMockServer
  • Fix #2519: Generated schemas contains a valid meta-schema URI reference (
  • Fix #2631: Handle null values when getting current context on OIDC interceptors
  • Fix #2510 : Yaml containing aliases rejected due to FasterXML bug
  • Fix #2651: SharedInformers should ignore resync on zero resyncPeriod
  • Fix #2656: Binding operations can be instantiated


  • Fix #2676: Allow specifying PropagationPolicy when using deleteExisting
  • Fix #2678: Adds a convenience method for referring to Cache keys by namespace and name rather than item
  • Fix #2665: CustomResourceDefinitionContext.fromCrd support for v1 CustomResourceDefinition
  • Fix #2642: Update kubernetes-examples to use apps/v1 Deployment rather than extensions/v1beta1

New Features

  • Fix #2611: Support for Custom Resource and Custom Resource Definitions has been improved
    • New annotations have been introduced for users to specify group, version, singular and plural
      properties for CustomResource instances
    • CustomResource instances must now be annotated with @ApiVersion and @ApiGroup so that the
      associated information can be automatically computed
    • HasMetadata provides default implementations for getApiVersion and getKind based on the
      presence (or not) of annotations on the target class
    • Static methods have been introduced on HasMetadata and CustomResource to encapsulate the
      logic used to resolve Kind, ApiVersion, Group, Version, Plural, Singular and CRD Name
    • New v1CRDFromCustomResourceType and v1beta1CRDFromCustomResourceType methods have been
      introduced on CustomResourceDefinitionContext to initialize a CustomResourceDefinitionBuilder
      with the information provided by a specific CustomResource implementation, making it much
      easier to create CRDs if you already have defined your custom resource type
    • CustomResource is now parameterized by the spec and status types that it uses which further
      removes boiler plate
  • Rename @ApiVersion and @ApiGroup to simply @Version and @Group, respectively. This was done
    to unify annotations and also remove potential confusion between values provided to @ApiVersion
    and what is returned by HasMetadata#getApiVersion

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