github fabian-hiller/valibot v0.26.0

latest releases: v0.35.0, v0.34.0, v0.33.3...
5 months ago

Many thanks to @WtfJoke, @dboune, @alexabw and @aypotu for contributing to this release.

  • Improve performance of enum_ and enumAsync schema by caching values
  • Change ISO timestamp regex to support timestamps with lower and higher millisecond accuracy (pull request #353)
  • Change issue handling of union, unionAsync, variant and variantAsync schema to improve developer experience
  • Fix bug in getDefaults, getDefaultsAsync, getFallbacks and getFallbacksAsync schema for falsy but not undefined values (issue #356)
  • Fix type of pipe argument at union, unionAsync, variant and variantAsync schema
  • Fix bug that broke pipeline execution in union, unionAsync, variant and variantAsync schema (issue #364)
  • Fix typo in type name of startsWith validation action (pull request #375)

Migration guide

The changes in union, unionAsync, variant and variantAsync are breaking changes and may result in different behavior when returning issues. Please create an issue if you have questions about this.

import * as v from 'valibot';

// Change this
const UnionSchema = v.union(
  [v.string([]), v.literal('')],
  'Not a valid email'

// To that
const UnionSchema = v.union([
  v.string(['Not a valid email')]),

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