github f4exb/sdrangel v6.19.0
3D Maps in Map feature and spectrum calibration

latest releases: v7.21.4, v7.21.3, v7.21.2...
2 years ago

3D Maps in Map feature

Very nice improvement to the Map feature done by Jon srcejon. You will find all details in the Map feature readme.

New dependencies:

  • qtwebengine5-dev and qtbase5-private-dev.
  • You may need to build that latest version of aptdec.

It goes along with a whole bunch of changes in various plugins to adapt to 3D maps and more (PR #1127):

APT Demod Updates

  • Add projection of image on to 3D map.
  • Add support for temperature map.
  • Add support for colour palettes for image enhancements.
  • Fix IR channel names.

ADS-B Demod Updates

  • Add support for animated 3D models.
  • Downloaded zipped airplane database.
  • Add table context menu.
  • Add airline and country images to text bubbles on maps.
  • Fix calculation of ground speed when on surface.
  • Fix position calculation when aircraft transistions from surface to air.
  • Fix altitude calculation when Q-bit is set.
  • Speed up processing of large log files.
  • Add new airline logos.

AIS update

  • Add support for 3D models.
  • Remove vessels from table if not heard from in last 10 minutes.
  • Add columns in table for vessel length, time last position & message were received and number of messages received.
  • Add context menu.

Satellite Tracker updates

  • Add support for replaying of passes in the past, where current time is determined from File Input device.
  • Add latitude and longitude to satellite data table.
  • Update ground track generation to better work with 3D map.
  • Add support for 3D models.
  • Add Cubesat image for 2D map.
  • Send LOS to other plugins, when no device settings are setup.
  • Pass TLEs to other plugins, so they can use a consistent copy for replays.

Spectrum calibration

Possibility to attach a calibrated value to a corresponding relative power value at specific points in frequency. A new button in the spectrum gui allows to switch between relative and calibrated values. When right clicking on the button a dialog opens to manage the calibration points and options.

Other changes and fixes

  • AIS: remove vessels afer some idle time. Issue #1086. PR #1127
  • Satellite tracker: export data via API. Issue #1106. PR #1130.
  • SDRPlayV3: added transverter feature. Implemented #1125
  • Spectrum markers: save .csv in Qt default writable location. Implements #1114
  • Fixed removing all feature sets causing segfault. Fixes #1118
  • BFM demod: added readme and link to help button.
  • Fixed LIB_SUFFIX for Fedora and lib64 systems. PR #1115
  • DATV Demod: Make AVCodecs cons. PR #1128
  • Install debug symbols on Windows for debug builds. PR #1131

Binary artifacts

For more details on artifacts and their contents please read the quick start in the Wiki.
Note that Ubuntu .deb package is for 20.04. Please note that since v6.2.0 SSE 4.2 is required. It has been intended to be like that for a long time but was not effective until this release

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