github eyal0/OctoPrint-PrintTimeGenius 1.1.0
Faster gcode analysis and more!

latest releases: 2.3.3, 2.3.2, 2.3.1...
5 years ago


  • Faster gcode analysis: marlin-calc now performs all analysis. By using only marlin-calc (c++) and not the built-in analysis (python), gcode analysis can be up to 10 times faster.
  • Low-priority Gcode analysis: Analysis runs at a lower priority now so you can experiment with leaving it on while printing. The default behavior will remain to cancel analysis while printing.
  • More gold stars: A gold star is placed next to each file that has Genius analysis.
  • More comprehensive statistics table: Under "Advanced" in the settings, you'll find the actual and post-compensation print times. (If the two are wildly different, let me know. Or if you want to show off how well it works. 😄)

Bugs fixed

  • Can't close settings: The settings screen is more robust now and this shouldn't happen.
  • Print stuttering: This was caused by saving settings too often. Saving only happens at the end of printing or at shutdown now.

As usual, file issues if there are problems. I'm also happy to hear about successes.

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