Expanse Changes 1.7.2
- Upgrade Objectives:
- Upgrade EXP to the latest ETH:Byzantium protocol.
- Make EXP transactions faster
- Decrease uncle inflation
- Maintain Block Reward 8/min
Byzantium Objectives:
- Addition of ‘REVERT’ opcode, which permits error handling without consuming all gas (EIP 140)
- Transaction receipts now include a status field to indicate success or failure EIP 658)
- Elliptic curve addition and scalar multiplication on alt_bn128 (EIP 196) and pairing checks (EIP 197), permitting
- ZK-Snarks and other cryptographic mathemagic™
- Support for big integer modular exponentiation (EIP 198), enabling RSA signature verification and other cryptographic applications
- Support for variable length return values (EIP 211)
- Addition of the ‘STATICCALL’ opcode, permitting non-state-changing calls to other contracts (EIP 214)
- Changes to the difficulty adjustment formula to take uncles into account (EIP 100)
Important Information:
- Fork Block Number: 800,000
- New Block Target: 30 Seconds
- New Block Reward: 4 EXP
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