github executablebooks/MyST-Parser v0.4.0
Upgrade to `mistletoe-ebp~=0.9.2`

latest releases: v3.0.1, v3.0.0, v2.0.0...
4 years ago

mistletoe-ebp v0.9 introduces a major API improvement, particularly for block tokens (how they are parsed/stored) and capture of source positions. This allows the majority of the code in myst_parser/ to be removed, in favour of the upstream implementations.

Breaking changes:

  • range field renamed to position
  • ASTRenderer renamed to JsonRenderer
  • FrontMatter is stored as an attribute of Document (rather than a child)
  • source text is now parsed by, instead of Document(text) (@choldgraf this will need to be changed in MyST-NB)

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