github excaliburjs/Excalibur v0.14.0
Excalibur v0.14.0

latest releases: 0.31.0-alpha.1352+aaafeac, 0.31.0-alpha.1351+52fac1c, 0.31.0-alpha.1349+564bb6f...
7 years ago


Breaking Changes

  • Triggers now have a new option bag constructor using the ITriggerOptions interface. (#863).
  • update event replaced with postupdate event
  • CollisionEvent replaced by PreCollisionEvent
  • getDrawWidth() and getDrawHeight() replaced with the getters drawWidth and drawHeight
  • PointerEvent.x and PointerEvent.y replaced with PointerEvent.pos


  • Automatic HiDPI screen detection and scaling in excalibur internals to correct blurry bitmap rendering on HiDPI screens. This feature can optionally be suppressed with IEngineOptions.suppressHiDPIScaling.
  • Added new line utility Line.normal() and Line.distanceToPoint (#703)
  • Added new PolygonArea utility PolygonArea.getClosestFace(point) (#703)
  • Triggers now fire an EnterTriggerEvent when an actor enters the trigger, and an ExitTriggerEvent when an actor exits the trigger. (#863)
  • Actors have a new events CollisionStart which when 2 actors first start colliding and CollisionEnd when 2 actors are no longer colliding. (#863)
  • New camera strategies implementation for following targets in a scene. Allows for custom strategies to be implemented on top of some prebuilt
    • LockCameraToActorStrategy which behaves like LockedCamera and can be switched on with Camera.strategy.lockToActor(actor).
    • LockCameraToActorAxisStrategy which behaves like SideCamera and can be switched on with Camera.strategy.lockToActorAxis(actor, ex.Axis.X)
    • ElasticToActorStrategy which is a new strategy that elastically moves the camera to an actor and can be switched on with Camera.strategy.elasticToActor(actor, cameraElasticity, cameraFriction)
    • CircleAroundActorStrategy which is a new strategy that will follow an actor when a certain radius from the camera focus and can be switched on with Camera.strategy.circleAroundActor(actor)


  • Trigger have been rebuilt to provide a better experience. The trigger action only fires when an actor enters the designated area instead of every frame of collision. (#863)
  • Triggers can now draw like other Actors, but are still not visible by default (#863)


  • Body.wasTouching has been deprecated in favor of a new event type CollisionEnd (#863)
  • SideCamera and LockedCamera are deprecated in favor of camera strategies


  • Fixed odd jumping behavior when polygons collided with the end of an edge (#703)

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