github evmos/evmos v6.0.1

latest releases: v18.1.0, v18.0.1, v18.0.0...
24 months ago

v6.0.1 - 2022-06-28


  • Testnet (evmos_9000-4): Planned upgrade through governance proposal at height 2,176,500.
  • Mainnet (evmos_9001-2): Planned upgrade through governance proposal at height 1,042,000.

Release Notes

This upgrade includes all the changes from the v5 release plus additional bug fixes on Ethermint (evmos/ethermint#1126, evmos/ethermint#1135). Additionally, this release will reject all unprotected transactions (i.e non-EIP155 signed) on the Evmos EVM (see Wintermute Rekt News analysis for context).

Upgrade Instructions

Update Tendermint Node Config

The timeout-commit value in the node config defines how long we wait after committing a block, before starting on the new height (this gives us a chance to receive some more pre-commits, even though we already have +2/3). The current default value is "5s"

In Evmos, the current block time on Mainnet is ~5.9s at the time of writing according to Mintscan. This means that it takes < 1s to reach consensus and then nodes have to wait for 5s after the block is committed.

At the upgrade height, validators will need to ensure their local node configurations in order to speed up the network to ~2s block times. This is handled automatically by the server (see commit) when initializing the node.

# on evmosd/config/config.toml

###         Consensus Configuration Options         ###

### ... 

# How long we wait after committing a block, before starting on the new
# height (this gives us a chance to receive some more precommits, even
# though we already have +2/3).
timeout_commit = "1s"  # <------ update from "5s" to "1s"


State Machine Breaking

API Breaking

  • (all) #701 Rename Go module to evmos/evmos
  • (fees) #691 Internal API audit.


  • (deps) #714 Bump Go version to 1.18.
  • (cmd) #696 Set a custom tendermint node configuration on initialization.
  • (fees) #685 Internal Specification audit.
  • (ci) #729 Remove unshallow action in goreleaser.

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