github evilC/AutoHotInterception v0.4.0
Concurrency Test Release

latest releases: v0.9.1, v0.9.0, v0.8.0...
pre-release5 years ago

Includes @crumbl3d 's changes, some other tweaks and fixes

Documentation has not been updated yet, all the SubscribeXxx methods now take an extra concurrency bool. True = callbacks fired in parallel (Old behavior). False (Default) = callbacks fired in series


  • Concurrency switch for executing subscription callback functions. Was implicitly executing on a new thread from the pool, now there is an option to execute each callback on a single thread (one worker per subscription).
  • UnsubscribeKey, UnsubscribeMouseButton, UnsubscribeMouseMove, UnsubscribeMouseMoveRelative, UnsubscribeMouseMoveAbsolute methods added to Subscription Mode
  • "Unsubscription Example.ahk" to demo Subscribe / Unsubscribe


  • By default the new concurrency switch will be set to false meaning that for every subscription there will be only a single worker thread and callbacks will be run sequentially.
  • Monitor now outputs data as would be seen in Subscription mode, rather than as it comes raw from Interception
  • Monitor now shows key names



  • Interception DLLs are no longer bundled with AHI


  • SubscribeMouseMove endpoint fixed to not return bool (Fix "Can not implicitly convert type Void to object" error)
  • Pause button now works
  • UnsubscribeMouseButton now correctly checks if the device is a mouse

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