github evanw/esbuild v0.9.6

latest releases: v0.22.0, v0.21.5, v0.21.4...
3 years ago
  • Expose build options to plugins (#373)

    Plugins can now access build options from within the plugin using the initialOptions property. For example:

    let nodeEnvPlugin = {
      name: 'node-env',
      setup(build) {
        const options = build.initialOptions
        options.define = options.define || {}
        options.define['process.env.NODE_ENV'] =
          options.minify ? '"production"' : '"development"'
  • Fix an edge case with the object spread transform (#1017)

    This release fixes esbuild's object spread transform in cases where property assignment could be different than property definition. For example:

      get x() {},
      ...{x: 1},

    This should print {x: 1} but transforming this through esbuild with --target=es6 causes the resulting code to throw an error. The problem is that esbuild currently transforms this code to a call to Object.assign and that uses property assignment semantics, which causes the assignment to throw (since you can't assign to a getter-only property).

    With this release, esbuild will now transform this into code that manually loops over the properties and copies them over one-by-one using Object.defineProperty instead. This uses property definition semantics which better matches the specification.

  • Fix a TypeScript parsing edge case with arrow function return types (#1016)

    This release fixes the following TypeScript parsing edge case:

    ():Array<number>=>{return [1]}

    This was tripping up esbuild's TypeScript parser because the >= token was split into a > token and a = token because the > token is needed to close the type parameter list, but the = token was not being combined with the following > token to form a => token. This is normally not an issue because there is normally a space in between the > and the => tokens here. The issue only happened when the spaces were removed. This bug has been fixed. Now after the >= token is split, esbuild will expand the = token into the following characters if possible, which can result in a =>, ==, or === token.

  • Enable faster synchronous transforms under a flag (#1000)

    Currently the synchronous JavaScript API calls transformSync and buildSync spawn a new child process on every call. This is due to limitations with node's child_process API. Doing this means transformSync and buildSync are much slower than transform and build, which share the same child process across calls.

    There was previously a workaround for this limitation that uses node's worker_threads API and atomics to block the main thread while asynchronous communication happens in a worker, but that was reverted due to a bug in node's worker_threads implementation. Now that this bug has been fixed by node, I am re-enabling this workaround. This should result in transformSync and buildSync being much faster.

    This approach is experimental and is currently only enabled if the ESBUILD_WORKER_THREADS environment variable is present. If this use case matters to you, please try it out and let me know if you find any problems with it.

  • Update how optional chains are compiled to match new V8 versions (#1019)

    An optional chain is an expression that uses the ?. operator, which roughly avoids evaluation of the right-hand side if the left-hand side is null or undefined. So a?.b is basically equivalent to a == null ? void 0 : a.b. When the language target is set to es2019 or below, esbuild will transform optional chain expressions into equivalent expressions that do not use the ?. operator.

    This transform is designed to match the behavior of V8 exactly, and is designed to do something similar to the equivalent transform done by the TypeScript compiler. However, V8 has recently changed its behavior in two cases:

    This release changes esbuild's transform to match V8's new behavior. The transform in the TypeScript compiler is still emulating the old behavior as of version 4.2.3, so these syntax forms should be avoided in TypeScript code for portability.

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