github evanw/esbuild v0.17.6

latest releases: v0.24.0, v0.23.1, v0.23.0...
20 months ago
  • Fix a CSS parser crash on invalid CSS (#2892)

    Previously the following invalid CSS caused esbuild's parser to crash:

    @media screen

    The crash was caused by trying to construct a helpful error message assuming that there was an opening { token, which is not the case here. This release fixes the crash.

  • Inline TypeScript enums that are referenced before their declaration

    Previously esbuild inlined enums within a TypeScript file from top to bottom, which meant that references to TypeScript enum members were only inlined within the same file if they came after the enum declaration. With this release, esbuild will now inline enums even when they are referenced before they are declared:

    // Original input
    export const foo = () => Foo.FOO
    const enum Foo { FOO = 0 }
    // Old output (with --tree-shaking=true)
    export const foo = () => Foo.FOO;
    var Foo = /* @__PURE__ */ ((Foo2) => {
      Foo2[Foo2["FOO"] = 0] = "FOO";
      return Foo2;
    })(Foo || {});
    // New output (with --tree-shaking=true)
    export const foo = () => 0 /* FOO */;

    This makes esbuild's TypeScript output smaller and faster when processing code that does this. I noticed this issue when I ran the TypeScript compiler's source code through esbuild's bundler. Now that the TypeScript compiler is going to be bundled with esbuild in the upcoming TypeScript 5.0 release, improvements like this will also improve the TypeScript compiler itself!

  • Fix esbuild installation on Arch Linux (#2785, #2812, #2865)

    Someone made an unofficial esbuild package for Linux that adds the ESBUILD_BINARY_PATH=/usr/bin/esbuild environment variable to the user's default environment. This breaks all npm installations of esbuild for users with this unofficial Linux package installed, which has affected many people. Most (all?) people who encounter this problem haven't even installed this unofficial package themselves; instead it was installed for them as a dependency of another Linux package. The problematic change to add the ESBUILD_BINARY_PATH environment variable was reverted in the latest version of this unofficial package. However, old versions of this unofficial package are still there and will be around forever. With this release, ESBUILD_BINARY_PATH is now ignored by esbuild's install script when it's set to the value /usr/bin/esbuild. This should unbreak using npm to install esbuild in these problematic Linux environments.

    Note: The ESBUILD_BINARY_PATH variable is an undocumented way to override the location of esbuild's binary when esbuild's npm package is installed, which is necessary to substitute your own locally-built esbuild binary when debugging esbuild's npm package. It's only meant for very custom situations and should absolutely not be forced on others by default, especially without their knowledge. I may remove the code in esbuild's installer that reads ESBUILD_BINARY_PATH in the future to prevent these kinds of issues. It will unfortunately make debugging esbuild harder. If ESBUILD_BINARY_PATH is ever removed, it will be done in a "breaking change" release.

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