github evanw/esbuild v0.14.8

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2 years ago
  • Add a resolve API for plugins (#641, #1652)

    Plugins now have access to a new API called resolve that runs esbuild's path resolution logic and returns the result to the caller. This lets you write plugins that can reuse esbuild's complex built-in path resolution logic to change the inputs and/or adjust the outputs. Here's an example:

    let examplePlugin = {
      name: 'example',
      setup(build) {
        build.onResolve({ filter: /^example$/ }, async () => {
          const result = await build.resolve('./foo', { resolveDir: '/bar' })
          if (result.errors.length > 0) return result
          return { ...result, external: true }

    This plugin intercepts imports to the path example, tells esbuild to resolve the import ./foo in the directory /bar, and then forces whatever path esbuild returns to be considered external. Here are some additional details:

    • If you don't pass the optional resolveDir parameter, esbuild will still run onResolve plugin callbacks but will not attempt any path resolution itself. All of esbuild's path resolution logic depends on the resolveDir parameter including looking for packages in node_modules directories (since it needs to know where those node_modules directories might be).

    • If you want to resolve a file name in a specific directory, make sure the input path starts with ./. Otherwise the input path will be treated as a package path instead of a relative path. This behavior is identical to esbuild's normal path resolution logic.

    • If path resolution fails, the errors property on the returned object will be a non-empty array containing the error information. This function does not always throw an error when it fails. You need to check for errors after calling it.

    • The behavior of this function depends on the build configuration. That's why it's a property of the build object instead of being a top-level API call. This also means you can't call it until all plugin setup functions have finished since these give plugins the opportunity to adjust the build configuration before it's frozen at the start of the build. So the new resolve function is going to be most useful inside your onResolve and/or onLoad callbacks.

    • There is currently no attempt made to detect infinite path resolution loops. Calling resolve from within onResolve with the same parameters is almost certainly a bad idea.

  • Avoid the CJS-to-ESM wrapper in some cases (#1831)

    Import statements are converted into require() calls when the output format is set to CommonJS. To convert from CommonJS semantics to ES module semantics, esbuild wraps the return value in a call to esbuild's __toESM() helper function. However, the conversion is only needed if it's possible that the exports named default or __esModule could be accessed.

    This release avoids calling this helper function in cases where esbuild knows it's impossible for the default or __esModule exports to be accessed, which results in smaller and faster code. To get this behavior, you have to use the import {} from import syntax:

    // Original code
    import { readFile } from "fs";
    // Old output (with --format=cjs)
    var __toESM = (module, isNodeMode) => {
    var import_fs = __toESM(require("fs"));
    (0, import_fs.readFile)();
    // New output (with --format=cjs)
    var import_fs = require("fs");
    (0, import_fs.readFile)();
  • Strip overwritten function declarations when minifying (#610)

    JavaScript allows functions to be re-declared, with each declaration overwriting the previous declaration. This type of code can sometimes be emitted by automatic code generators. With this release, esbuild now takes this behavior into account when minifying to drop all but the last declaration for a given function:

    // Original code
    function foo() { console.log(1) }
    function foo() { console.log(2) }
    // Old output (with --minify)
    function foo(){console.log(1)}function foo(){console.log(2)}
    // New output (with --minify)
    function foo(){console.log(2)}
  • Add support for the Linux IBM Z 64-bit Big Endian platform (#1864)

    With this release, the esbuild package now includes a Linux binary executable for the IBM System/390 64-bit architecture. This new platform was contributed by @shahidhs-ibm.

  • Allow whitespace around : in JSX elements (#1877)

    This release allows you to write the JSX <rdf:Description rdf:ID="foo" /> as <rdf : Description rdf : ID="foo" /> instead. Doing this is not forbidden by the JSX specification. While this doesn't work in TypeScript, it does work with other JSX parsers in the ecosystem, so support for this has been added to esbuild.

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