github etternagame/etterna v0.72.0
Etterna 0.72.0 - Replay & MSD Updates

latest releases: v0.72.3, v0.72.2, v0.72.1...
21 months ago

[0.72.0] - 2022-12-25

As always, back up your Save. That includes any personal modifications to the Assets folder, Noteskins folder, and the entire Save folder. These folders are usually found in the folder your game is installed.

MacOS Note

OpenSSL is required. It can be installed with Homebrew:
NOTE: If you don't have Homebrew installed already, follow the instructions from the Homebrew website.

brew install openssl

Linux Note

It has come to our attention that newer versions of some distributions like Ubuntu make it difficult to install the required OpenSSL libraries to run the game. If you try to open the game and are hit with an error complaining about OPENSSL_1_1_1 not found despite following proper instructions to install it, try this:

sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb


  • New Custom Window Config System
    • You can toggle this in Rebirth or 'Til Death by either pressing InsertCoin or clicking the WifePercent in the evaluation screen
    • You can switch between different config setups by clicking the new percentage that appears, or by using the rate changing buttons the same you would if you were changing judge on the screen
    • Turning on custom windows simply rescores the currently selected score in evaluation, replacing all visible values except for the original Wife 3 percent. This includes the information that shows up when you hover your mouse on the offset plot
    • The global configuration for this is stored in /Themes/_fallback/Scripts/72 custom_windows_config.lua
      • Read the instructions within the file if you would like to create your own custom config
      • Keep in mind that when reinstalling/updating in the future, this file will be overwritten. Consider this to be a theme edit - back it up
      • We will take suggestions for making certain popular custom window configurations part of the default list of configs
    • The system is not currently set up to support replacing your gameplay judgment windows, and is instead only intended to help properly rescore a score you already set
    • The system allows for configurations where the note priority is changed from current (closest first) to oldest (oldest unjudged note in the hit window)
    • The system ships with these configurations by default as examples: Wife2 J4, DP J4, osu!mania OD10
    • If you make modifications to the configuration file, the best way to apply those changes is to restart your game
    • The system does not function in multiplayer, but works for online leaderboard scores
  • Difficulty Calculator Changes (4k only)
    • Calculator version changed from 473 to 505
    • The MSD shown for a file no longer has a downscaler run on it. The output SSR keeps the downscaler
      • This is done to give you an idea of difficulty of a file, but not misrepresent the real worth of it
    • Changes were primarily focused on reducing extreme rating inflation seen globally. It's not intended for any score to ever reach the 40 SSR cap
    • Some changes targeted files abusable by jumpjacking all patterning and barely obtaining enough points for max scaling
    • Streamy patterns which break down into jumpjacks are rated less. Pad/Index patterning remains strongly rated
    • Jumpstream fully rebalanced, aligning most jump-heavy files and stream-heavy JS files
    • Handstream had a light general nerf, and a targeted nerf to files with extremely long anchors
    • Stamina had a slight nerf
    • Jackspeed had a slight nerf
    • Chordjacks had a strong nerf via multiple rewrites and retunes
      • Everyone will find that their rating is lower, and many files are underrated. More passes on this to come
    • Technical had a few fixes and a rebalance
      • Eliminated extremely fast runningman farm
      • Brought streamy-chaotic tech somewhat more in line with bursty-tech and runningman-tech
    • Lesser-dense chordjack type files are more likely to be rated tech due to the balancing and nerfing done to both skillsets
      • This classification is in line with one of the pattern sets which falls into tech, which is short/mini jack heavy patterning with otherwise light or technical patterning
  • General
    • Replays and HighScores newly created will track the RNG seed for the play, allowing replays to play back and rescore plays with inserts, removes, turns, and shuffles
      • This is not compatible with online scores yet
    • Replays newly created will play back the actual ghost inputs of your original play instead of just the judgments
    • Replays will now always save as long as the score saves
    • Pack Downloads are no longer restricted by your current FPS
      • Tabbing out of the game or going into gameplay will not slow down your downloads
      • If a download completes during gameplay, it extracts after gameplay exits
    • Fake Notes globally defaulted to 25% opacity
      • Added a new noteskin metric _NoteOpacityMultiplier to facilitate this change
      • Add TapFakeNoteOpacityMultiplier=1.0 to your noteskin metrics.ini under [NoteDisplay] to undo this change
      • You can use this same metric for all other note types, such as TapNoteNoteOpacityMultiplier and HoldBodyNoteOpacityMultiplier
    • Noteskins are forced to always load the highest possible resolution textures
      • This fixes an issue where spritesheet misalignments can break noteskins but only for certain MaxTextureResolution settings
    • Global Offset and Visual Delay are present in the legacy Graphics Options screen and are changed to allow 1ms increments
    • New H-Random Shuffle mod added to options screens where Shuffle mods are visible
      • H-Ran is a variant of SuperShuffle which avoids making jacks when possible. It also "un-jacks" existing jacks, if possible
    • Clap/Metronome was readded to the legacy Player Options screen (double enter menu) for some users who cannot use F7
    • Message that shows when using an invalidating mod in gameplay updated to be more obvious that you are invalidating a score
    • Hold/Roll timing window can no longer be reduced to below J4 manually
    • Hold/Roll life editing via preferences or metrics is no longer allowed
    • The existing mechanic which prevents getting a Bad while tapping within an alive Hold or Roll due to an incoming note has been changed to stay locked to the J4 window
      • This means that the window actually grew for users of higher judges, and you may be more likely to receive a Bad
    • Readded and improved the ShowBanners and ShowBackgrounds options to apply thoroughly
    • Scores over 100% should be force invalidated
  • Rebirth
    • Chart Author added to Gameplay splash intro
    • Chart Author should always show up when hovering the CDTitle area even if the CDTitle is invisible
    • Chart Leaderboards in SelectMusic and Evaluation will color Chord Cohesion On scores differently from others
      • Added a new color config entry for this under the evaluation and generalBox categories
    • Chart Preview was redone to replace the entire side of the screen and be more visible
    • Combo Animations are toggleable through the settings menu - defaulted off
    • Evaluation song banner keeps the same aspect ratio as everywhere else
    • EWMA numerical display added as a new toggleable gameplay element, like the mean display - defaulted off
    • Gameplay Goal Tracker had its 96.65% increment replaced with the 96.5% increment
    • Gameplay Leaderboard has a new option Local to show only local scores for the current rate
    • Help screen contains information about ClearTypes
    • Language changes in the settings screen will now force a theme restart
    • Show Banners option added to settings under Graphics -> Global Options to allow turning off all banners
    • Show Backgrounds option added to settings under Graphics -> Global Options to allow turning off all backgrounds
    • Standard Deviation numerical display added as a new toggleable gameplay element, like the mean display - defaulted off
    • Score uploads being done in bulk show progress via a new progress bar under the pack downloads progress bar
    • Translation support added
  • 'Til Death
    • Chart Author added to Gameplay splash intro
    • Chart Author added to CDTitle mouse hover action, unless the author cannot be determined
    • Leftmost buttons in SelectMusic meshed into the UI more
    • Searching should never send you to the first alphabetical file when failing a search
      • No more saying "All rise for the Etterna Song Search national anthem"
    • Show Banners option added to Theme Options to allow turning off all banners
    • Show Backgrounds option added to Theme Options to allow turning off all backgrounds
  • Localization
    • Japanese Translation
      • Updated core/fallback strings
      • Added partial 'Til Death translation
      • Added partial Rebirth translation
      • Translator's note: 違和感とか翻訳ミスがあれば連絡してください snover#2857


  • General
    • BPMDisplay should properly work for files where the different difficulties have different BPMs
    • Difficulty calculator had discrepancies when comparing float values
    • Crashes when downloading files that had symbols not allowed in filepaths
    • Crashes due to memory leak when scrolling across packs with video banners
    • Crashes caused by ActorFrameTexture in D3D
    • Crashes caused by missing a theme metric
    • Crashes caused by using the song filtering to filter out the GameplaySyncMachine chart
    • Deadlock crashing related to audio playing
    • Errors caused by starting any file with BGChanges that was loaded from Ungrouped Songs
    • Invalid UTF8 in file paths now properly handled for Windows 10 (2019) users
      • Some of the packs you have loaded may suddenly have hundreds of new songs in them
    • Online HighScores didn't properly fill in the MissedHold field
    • Playlist creation for the first time caused 2 playlists to manifest incorrectly
    • Playlists having a file added which was recently reloaded from disk with a changed chartkey used to add a nonexistent file
    • Reloading a chart and causing a chartkey to no longer be associated with a Song was never recalculated
  • Rebirth
    • BGBrightness and ScreenFilter no longer forced to 0% or 100%
    • Crashes caused by breaking input system continuity by clicking to close a text box
    • Goals should properly visually update when adding them by pressing Ctrl + G
    • Lua errors in Practice Mode
    • Removed the random debug string that appears when you switch songs
    • WheelDataManager's unused functions don't break anymore
  • 'Til Death
    • Gameplay Leaderboard should no longer break gameplay when playing on unranked charts


  • C++ standard moved to C++20
  • Added GAMEMAN->GetStyleForStepsType(StepsType) because it was a necessary evil
  • Added NOTESKIN->GetMetric(string, string, string) to allow defaulting noteskin metric values
  • Added Lua bindings for Replays and ReplaySnapshots
  • Added REPLAYS singleton created with Lua access to mess with replays
  • Replays were totally rewritten and use zlib compression for input data. The system basically deals with all previous formats and outputs a single one
  • D3D renderer error output improved
  • Fallback names for W1 and W5 changed to Marvelous and Bad
  • Lua no longer has access to modify invalidating PlayerOptions or music rate during gameplay
  • Miss window being 180ms is now a hardcoded constant
  • Moved the arbitrary -2000 gameplay number to -200000
  • libcurl updated to 7_83_1
  • Preference UnfocusedSleepMilliseconds created to allow changing the sleep time of the main thread while tabbed out
  • Preference DebugMenuButtonToggles created to allow people with lobotomized keyboards to use the debug menu
  • Removed references to ScreenProfileSave saving anything, because it does not save anything
  • Translation support added to the crashpad upload dialogue
  • Username associated with a successful leaderboard log in is recorded in the log file
  • Removed AutoPtrCopyOnWrite
  • Removed dead noteskins
  • Removed DefaultScoreType
  • Removed InitialHoldLife
  • Removed mapconv
  • Removed PlayerAI
  • Removed TimingWindowAdd
  • Removed GetChartLeaderboard (not GetChartLeaderBoard)
  • Removed SoundVolumeAttract
  • Removed EditRecordModeLeadIn
  • Removed ShowInstructions
  • Removed a lot of unused translation strings
  • Coverity defects (a lot)
  • Warnings related to MSVC, clang, and EnumTraits templates
  • XCode build issues fixed (?)

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