github etternagame/etterna 0.56.0-CalcOnly
0.56.0 Calc Only Pre-release

latest releases: v0.74.1, v0.74.0, v0.72.3...
pre-release7 years ago

[0.56.0-CalcOnly] - Updated 2017-10-18

See the comprehensive changelog in detail here.

This is not intended for new users

As always backup your profile. Backup any theme files you have significantly edited as they will be overwritten.

This is the exact same client as 0.55.3 albeit with the preliminary updates to the calc. It will be in the short term optional and is designed to gather feedback on any potential major issues with the changes to the calc, particularly unintended ones that weren't detected in the initial macro tests. The goals of the calc updates are outlined below. Jack speed was not a focus of this round of changes. They will be merged in another update phase with chordjack and what was initially supposed to be jack stamina to create a more approachable "jack" skillset. I want to make sure this phase of modifications to the calc is relatively stable before messing with jack speed/minijack files. In other words jack speed wasn't touched so don't ask about it.

This client will not invalidate or force recalculate your cache. This is in order to expedite testing as well as allow instant comparison by manually refreshing charts on the music wheel. You may delete your cache and fully recalculate if you wish not to have mismatched ratings from music select to eval.

Calc Adjustments

  • General reassignment of chordjack files from handstream to "jack speed" should be complete. Jack speed hasn't been renamed to just "jack" yet, but that's more or less what it is.
  • Top 25 stream scores should be less populated by random noise like pure ruby and, barring a deficiency of relevant scores, be populated almost entirely with actual stream files.
  • Pushed up the average stream ratings by about 1% for actual stream files. Those of you who actually focus on stream or 'speed' files should see a marked increase in rating for this skillset and those who only had a stream rating being buffered by non-stream files should see a slight decrease (as it should be).
  • Chordjacks should mostly no longer be flagged under handstream which means similarly to above, handstream top 25 for most players should actually be handstream files now.
  • Slightly reduced the gap between the most overrated stamina files and the 'average'. Hopefully.
  • Some 'real' technical files may see a small boost to rating.
  • Some of the shorter more ridiculous outliers in js/hs have been nuked. Shantae twins, nemesis, drop it, etc.
  • Overall rating should now more properly reflect the number of relevant skillsets for a chart.
  • Scores under certain percentages will no longer be given SSRs. 10s or so will be viable up to around 50%. 30s will require scoring above 70% or so to be viable. It's a gradual scaling.

Generally there should be fewer farm files (outside of jack speed which, again, hasn't been touched), chordjacks aren't hilariously inflated and no longer get flagged as handstream and stream got buffed slightly. The feedback I am generally interested in mainly revolves around whether certain chordjack files didn't get nerfed, and if on average the nerf was too severe.

Unfortunately as with any targeted endeavor to nerf general types of files there will likely be already underrated files that become more underrated. Once jack speed/stamina is merged into 'jack' and is relatively stable the focus will probably shift to trying to bring these up without inadvertently creating more farm files.

As the 0.56 line continues to be developed it will include both a calconly version and an experimental version with the new features (profile upload/pack downloader etc).

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