github etsy/open-api 3.0.0-general-release-2024-03-04
3.0.0 General Release 2024-03-04

  • Added gift_sender as a new field to the following endpoints:
    • getShopReceipt
    • updateShopReceipt
    • getShopReceipts
    • createReceiptShipment
  • In the previous experience of calling the createShopShippingProfileUpgrade and updateShopShippingProfileUpgrade endpoints, the request fails if any shipping profile field or any of its entries were invalid. We've updated this to fail the request only if the upgrade being operated on is invalid.
  • When activating or manually renewing a physical listing through the endpoint updateListing, the shipping profile referenced by the shipping_profile_id and all of its fields, along with its entries and upgrades, will now be validated. If the shipping profile is invalid then the request will fail until all the shipping profile validation errors are fixed.
  • We’re enhancing shipping profile error messages for a better user experience. Instead of being shown one validation error at a time, users will now see a concatenated string of error messages with all the shipping profile validation errors related to the current request.
  • We expanded postal code requirements for shipping profiles for all countries we support instead of only US and CA. These changes are reflected in the following endpoints:
    • createShopShippingProfile
    • updateShopShippingProfile
    • createShopShippingProfileDestination
    • updateShopShippingProfileDestination
    • createShopShippingProfileUpgrade
    • updateShopShippingProfileUpgrade
    • updateListing

Here’s a list of the countries that will need a postal code in shipping profiles:

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