github etsy/open-api 3.0.0-general-release-2021-09-29


  • Added new getShopProductionPartners endpoint for fetching Production Partners created in the Shop Manager.


  • createDraftListing and updateListing now allow addition of production_partner_ids
  • personalization_is_required, personalization_char_count_max and personalization_instructions added to createDraftListing and updateListing endpoints.
  • Receipt and transaction endpoints now include the buyer's selected variations.
  • Receipt and transaction endpoints now include the buyer's personalization entry as part of the variations data
  • Fixed error in updateListing when only should_auto_renew is passed.
  • Added transaction_id back into the getReviewsByShop endpoint.
  • updateListingInventory endpoint now allows empty property_values array for non-variant listings
  • getShopPaymentAccountLedgerEntries now returns origin_reference_type data point
  • Receipt endpoints now include status field.
  • getShop endpoint now includes is_etsy_payments_onboarded data point
  • Receipt endpoints now include basic buyer shipping selection: shipping_method, expected_ship_date and actual_ship_date.


  • channels has been removed as a valid input for createDraftListing and updateListing endpoints.

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