github ethereum/go-ethereum v1.13.1
Zakros (v1.13.1)

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8 months ago

Geth v1.13.1 is a hotfix release for v1.13.0.

It fixes the following issues:

  • Fix the active fork detection on the engine API, causing the signer to create invalid blocks (#28135).
  • Fix a db corruption in path scheme caused by a weirdly restarted snap sync (#28124, #28126).
  • Fix geth db inspect command running against old hash scheme databases (#28108).
  • Fix an effective gas price calculation regression on the RPC APIs (#28130).

Apart from the fixes, v1.13.1 introduces support for configuring Geth via environmental variables (#28103, #28119)!

For a full rundown of the changes please consult the Geth 1.13.1 release milestone.

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