⚠️ This is a recommended maintenance release of op-node. It fixes an ssz unmarshaling implementation in the p2p req-resp protocol (#10362).
Partial changelog (op-node)
- chore(op-service): reduce allocations by @hoank101 in #10331
- op-service/eth: Optimize ssz decoding by @sebastianst in #10362
New Contributors (all monorepo)
- @Ethnical made their first contribution in #10246
- @AaronChen0 made their first contribution in #10284
- @threewebcode made their first contribution in #10229
- @SanShi2023 made their first contribution in #10329
- @hoank101 made their first contribution in #10331
Full Changelog (all monorepo): v1.7.4...op-node/v1.7.5
🚢 Docker image: https://us-docker.pkg.dev/oplabs-tools-artifacts/images/op-node:v1.7.5