github ethereum-optimism/optimism @eth-optimism/l2geth@0.0.0-2021521195659

latest releases: op-node/v1.11.2-rc.1, op-program/v1.4.0-unichain-mainnet, cannon/v1.4.0...
pre-release3 years ago

Minor Changes

  • e04de62: Add support for ovmCALL with nonzero ETH value

Patch Changes

  • 01646a0: Add new config ROLLUP_GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_OWNER_ADDRESS to set the owner of the gas price oracle at runtime
  • 8fee7be: Add extra overflow protection for the DTL types
  • 5fc728d: Add a new Standard Token Bridge, to handle deposits and withdrawals of any ERC20 token.
    For projects developing a custom bridge, if you were previously importing iAbs_BaseCrossDomainMessenger, you should now
    import iOVM_CrossDomainMessenger.
  • 0887367: Update queueOrigin type
  • 01646a0: Removes config options that are no longer required. ROLLUP_DATAPRICE, ROLLUP_EXECUTION_PRICE, ROLLUP_GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_ADDRESS and ROLLUP_ENABLE_L2_GAS_POLLING. The oracle was moved to a predeploy 0x42.. address and polling is always enabled as it no longer needs to be backwards compatible
  • 0a7f5a4: Removes the gas refund for unused gas in geth since it is instead managed in the smart contracts
  • e045f58: Adds new SequencerFeeVault contract to store generated fees
  • 25a5dbd: Removes the SignatureHashType from l2geth as it is deprecated and no longer required.

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