github etclabscore/core-geth v1.12.12
Ariadne (v1.12.12)

latest releases: v1.12.20, v1.12.19, v1.12.18...
13 months ago

This is a security release of Core-Geth, addressing the Ghost-128 SNaP attack strategy described by Paterson and Taverna. See also ETC Coop's blog post. We encourage all users to upgrade to this version to reduce risk while synchronizing with the default --syncmode=snap strategy.

What's Changed

  • Merge ethereum/go-ethereum release v1.11.6 #538
  • Ghost-128 security patch #544

Comparison with last release: v1.12.11..v1.12.12
Docker images published under etclabscore/core-geth.

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