github esx-framework/esx_core 1.10.6

latest release: 1.10.7
16 days ago

ESX Core Update 1.10.6: Bug Fixes and New Features

We are pleased to announce the release of ESX Core version 1.10.6! This update primarily focuses on fixing bugs and introducing new features to improve the overall functionality of our framework.

πŸ› οΈ General Improvements:

  • Updated License Year: Updated the license year to reflect the current year #1335 #1336.
  • Better Resource Descriptions: Enhanced descriptions for resources to improve clarity and usability #1310.
  • Optimized Loops: Converted some pairs & ipairs loops to numeric loops for better performance #1334.
  • Enhanced Burst Tyre Saving: Improved the process for saving burst tyre data #1333.
  • Typo Fixes: Corrected several misspellings in our resources #1312 #1357.
  • Heading Data Storage: Player heading is now saved to the database upon leaving the game like before #1330.
  • Improved CreateJob Handling: Enhanced error handling and overall functionality for the ESX.CreateJob feature #1355.
  • New Locales: Added new locales for German (de.lua) and Greek (gr.lua). Thanks to JustZeroo and RoyaleWind πŸš€ #1271 #1302.

πŸ†• New Additions:

  • Group Event Trigger: After setting a group, an event esx:setGroup is triggered allowing the client to retrieve the group via #1351.
  • Vehicle and Seat Data: In the action module, the player's vehicle and seat data are now automatically set in ESX.PlayerData.vehicle and #1311.
    if ESX.PlayerData.vehicle then
        print('Player is in vehicle ID: ' .. ESX.PlayerData.vehicle)
        print('Player is sitting in seat: ' ..
  • Type Validation Functions: Introduced new functions ESX.ValidateType and ESX.AssertType as part of PR #1309. Usage described in this pull request. Soon available in new documentation.
  • Random Math Function: Added a new function ESX.Math.Random to the math module #1330.
    local randomNumber = ESX.Math.Random(1, 100)
    print('Random number: ' .. randomNumber)
  • Trigger Client Event: New function ESX.TriggerClientEvent to trigger events for one or more clients #1342.
    --- @param eventName string The name of the event to trigger.
    --- @param playerIds table|number If a number, represents a single player ID. If a table, represents an array of player IDs.
    --- @param ... any Additional arguments to pass to the event handler.
    ESX.TriggerClientEvent('esx:test', {1, 2, 3}, test)

β›” Removals:

  • Unnecessary Code: Deleted unnecessary code and removed redundant waiting for vehicle properties in StateBagChangeHandler #1296.

🌱 Fixes:

  • Inventory Weight Sync: Fixed the client-side sync issue with ox_inventory setMaxWeight #1343.
  • Default Spawn Position: Fixed the issue with getting a random DefaultSpawn position #1356.
  • Fixed Header Parameter: Fixed the header parameter in DefaultSpawnPosition #1339.
  • jQuery Element Handling: Fixed jQuery issue with element IDs containing colons by using document.getElementById and wrapping with $(), preventing Uncaught TypeError in esx_menu_default #1359.
  • SQL Query Fix: Fixed SQL query in main.lua to allow deletion of rows where the table name contains special characters like hyphens #1358.

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Full Changelog: 1.10.5...1.10.6

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