github espressif/esp-at v2.4.2.0

latest release: v3.0.0.0
20 months ago

v2.4.2.0 Release Notes

v2.4.2.0 is released for ESP32-C3. The changes since the v2.4.1.0 are as follows.


Documentation for Release v2.4.2.0 is available at

ESP32C3-AT v2.4.2.0 is a minor update for ESP32C3-AT v2.4.1.0.

The firmware:

This is the list of changes since release v2.4.1.0:

Known Issue

If ESP-AT works as a TCP client and SO_LINGER option is set, AT+CIPCLOSE may trigger a module to restart due to the LwIP SO_LINGER issue in some cases.


  • Fixed that Wi-Fi mode was changed after deep sleep
  • Disabled the external 32 KHz oscillator as a workaround to avoid unstable Bluetooth LE connection

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