- [DSS-2338] - Validating signature with expired OCSP certificate at OCSP token producedAt time
- [DSS-2340] - NPE when algorithm expiration date is missing in XML policy
- [DSS-2344] - Issue in qualification conflict detection
- [DSS-2351] - JAdES tstVD unsigned header parameter misspelled
- [DSS-2352] - JAdES sigTst input of the message imprint computation
- [DSS-2354] - JAdES LTA augmentation removes previous tstVD
- [DSS-2357] - ASiC-S with CAdES packaging attached
- [DSS-2366] - Unexpected result signing w/ CAdES T Enveloping a file already signed w/ CAdES B Enveloping
- [DSS-2367] - PDF generation produces "#" instead of special characters
- [DSS-2373] - ETSI VR reports a wrong MimeType in case of a JAdES signature
- [DSS-2332] - Upgrade PDFBox
- [DSS-2335] - Upgrade BouncyCastle
- [DSS-2362] - JAdES : align the code with draft 0.0.7a
- [DSS-2318] - Incorrect warning for eSeals
- [DSS-2321] - Improve handling of SignatureAttribute
- [DSS-2331] - Determine final Signature Qualification based on both times
- [DSS-2363] - XAdES : SigAndRefsTimeStampV2 and RefsOnlyTimeStampV2 message-imprint computation
- [DSS-2372] - ETSI Validation Report builds elements with empty data