github erlang/otp OTP-

10 hours ago
Patch Package:           OTP
Git Tag:                 OTP-
Date:                    2024-10-14
Trouble Report Id:       OTP-19124, OTP-19158, OTP-19221, OTP-19236,
                         OTP-19238, OTP-19246, OTP-19247, OTP-19252,
                         OTP-19256, OTP-19257, OTP-19265, OTP-19266,
                         OTP-19269, OTP-19274, OTP-19284
Seq num:                 ERIERL-1091, ERIERL-1093, ERIERL-1127,
                         ERIERL-1131, GH-7550, GH-8223, GH-8835,
                         PR-8226, PR-8261, PR-8766, PR-8780, PR-8788,
                         PR-8801, PR-8831, PR-8854, PR-8858, PR-8876,
                         PR-8890, PR-8897, PR-8901, PR-8909
System:                  OTP
Release:                 25
Application:             common_test-, erts-,
                         inets-, public_key-,
                         ssh-, ssl-, stdlib-
Predecessor:             OTP

 Check out the git tag OTP-, and build a full OTP system
 including documentation. Apply one or more applications from this
 build as patches to your installation using the 'otp_patch_apply'
 tool. For information on install requirements, see descriptions for
 each application version below.

 --- POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITIES -------------------------------------

  OTP-19158    Application(s): inets

               With this change, HTTP client, when returning an
               asynchronous request, now correctly takes into account
               `OptionRequest - full_result`

 --- common_test- --------------------------------------------

 The common_test- application can be applied independently of
 other applications on a full OTP 25 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-19252    Application(s): common_test
               Related Id(s): PR-8858

               With this change, HTML reports include jQuery version

  OTP-19265    Application(s): common_test
               Related Id(s): PR-8876

               With this change, jquery and tablesorter licenses are
               added to COPYRIGHT file. Also tablesorter is updated to
               version 2.32.

  OTP-19284    Application(s): common_test
               Related Id(s): ERIERL-1093, PR-8909

               Fixed a bug where the sum of testcases' execution time
               in HTML logs was sometimes miscalculated, and the table
               was not fully printed.

 Full runtime dependencies of common_test- compiler-6.0,
 crypto-4.5, debugger-4.1, erts-7.0, ftp-1.0, inets-6.0, kernel-8.4,
 observer-2.1, runtime_tools-1.8.16, sasl-2.5, snmp-5.1.2, ssh-4.0,
 stdlib-4.0, syntax_tools-1.7, tools-3.2, xmerl-1.3.8

 --- erts- --------------------------------------------------

 Note! The erts- application *cannot* be applied
       independently of other applications on an arbitrary OTP 25

       On a full OTP 25 installation, also the following runtime
       dependencies have to be satisfied:
       -- kernel-8.5 (first satisfied in OTP 25.1)
       -- stdlib-4.1 (first satisfied in OTP 25.1)

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-19269    Application(s): erts
               Related Id(s): GH-8835, PR-8897

               Fixed beam crash that could happen if resetting
               call_time or call_memory trace counters of a function
               while it is called. Bug exists since OTP R16.

 Full runtime dependencies of erts- kernel-8.5, sasl-3.3,

 --- inets- ---------------------------------------------------

 The inets- application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 25 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-19158    Application(s): inets

               *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY ***

               With this change, HTTP client, when returning an
               asynchronous request, now correctly takes into account
               `OptionRequest - full_result`

  OTP-19221    Application(s): inets
               Related Id(s): ERIERL-1091, PR-8788, PR-8801

               With this change, synchronous httpc:request now
               timeouts after `Timeout` specified in `HttpOption
               {timeout, Timeout}`

 Full runtime dependencies of inets- erts-13.0, kernel-6.0,
 mnesia-4.12, public_key-1.13, runtime_tools-1.8.14, ssl-9.0,

 --- public_key- ---------------------------------------------

 The public_key- application can be applied independently of
 other applications on a full OTP 25 installation.

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-19238    Application(s): public_key
               Related Id(s): PR-8831

               Do not hide crypto badarg reason, this error handling
               enhancement facilitates debugging. These kind of
               runtime errors are not documented and should never be
               relied on for matching, they are intended for catching
               input errors early.

 Full runtime dependencies of public_key- asn1-3.0,
 crypto-4.6, erts-6.0, kernel-3.0, stdlib-3.5

 --- ssh- ----------------------------------------------------

 The ssh- application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 25 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-19124    Application(s): ssh
               Related Id(s): GH-7550, PR-8766

               With this change, a race condition is removed from ssh
               client connection setup procedure.

  OTP-19246    Application(s): ssh
               Related Id(s): GH-8223, PR-8854

               With this change, ssh:connect is not affected by
               presence of EXIT message in queue.

  OTP-19247    Application(s): ssh
               Related Id(s): PR-8226

               With this change, ssh appends {active, false} option
               after socket options received from user - so that false
               value is always used.

 Full runtime dependencies of ssh- crypto-5.0, erts-11.0,
 kernel-6.0, public_key-1.6.1, runtime_tools-1.15.1, stdlib-3.15

 --- ssl- ----------------------------------------------------

 Note! The ssl- application *cannot* be applied independently
       of other applications on an arbitrary OTP 25 installation.

       On a full OTP 25 installation, also the following runtime
       dependency has to be satisfied:
       -- stdlib-4.1 (first satisfied in OTP 25.1)

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-19236    Application(s): ssl
               Related Id(s): PR-8261

               Starting from TLS-1.3 some server handshake alerts
               might arrive after ssl:connection/2,3,4 has returned.
               If the socket is in active mode the controlling process
               will get the alert message, but passive sockets would
               only get {error, closed} on next call to ssl:recv/2,3
               or ssl/setopts/2. Passive sockets calls will now return
               {error, error_alert()} instead.

  OTP-19257    Application(s): ssl
               Related Id(s): ERIERL-1131

               Servers configured to support only version (pre
               TLS-1.2) should ignore hello version extension, as it
               is an unknown extension to them, this will result in
               that new clients that do not support the old server
               version will get an insufficient security alert from
               the server and not a protocol version alert, this is
               consistent with how old servers not able to support
               higher protocol versions work.

  OTP-19274    Application(s): ssl
               Related Id(s): PR-8901

               Correct timeout handling for termination code run for
               own alerts, so that intended timeout is used instead of
               falling back to OS TCP-stack timeout that is
               unreasonably long on some platforms.

 Full runtime dependencies of ssl- crypto-5.0, erts-10.0,
 inets-5.10.7, kernel-8.4, public_key-1.11.3, runtime_tools-1.15.1,

 --- stdlib- --------------------------------------------------

 Note! The stdlib- application *cannot* be applied
       independently of other applications on an arbitrary OTP 25

       On a full OTP 25 installation, also the following runtime
       dependencies have to be satisfied:
       -- erts-13.1 (first satisfied in OTP 25.1)
       -- kernel-8.5.1 (first satisfied in OTP 25.1.1)

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-19256    Application(s): stdlib
               Related Id(s): PR-8780

               With this change, shutdown procedure handles a race
               condition between supervisor executing a shutdown and
               child process termination from other reason.

  OTP-19266    Application(s): stdlib
               Related Id(s): ERIERL-1127, PR-8890

               With this change, uri_string:normalize assumes empty
               path (do not crash) when no path is provided in the URI

 Full runtime dependencies of stdlib- compiler-5.0,
 crypto-4.5, erts-13.1, kernel-8.5.1, sasl-3.0

 --- Thanks to -------------------------------------------------------

 Jakub Witczak


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