LMDB support is removed in this release
If you want to keep using LMDB, you need to keep the old version. We don't have any plans to go back to LMDB now, so we recommend you to migrate and resync using MDBX.
for full (including bugs) compatibility with Open Ethereum fortrace_
routines -
better OE compatibility for
fixup for potential hang of recovering senders sync stage
London testnet support
LMDB support removed
fix a concurrency crash in header downloading #2175
fixes for gas price oracle for EIP-1559 #2173
enable eth/65 p2p protocol by default (to be trackable using ethernodes and other services that don't support eth/66 yet)
build all Erigon executables on Windows #2163
cli option -
support ws compression in the RPC daemon
saving panic stack traces into a file for further diagnostics
reproducible builds in Docker aren't functional at the moment